so many things…

Our mission is to create a space for collaborative use that supports cannabis education, regenerative farming and community support!


Because, It’s time.


Cannabis has been around much longer than the opinions that made it illegal all those years ago, with regulations s-l-o-w-l-y coming along we are starting to see more and more cannabis friendly spaces opening up and events happening! YAY!!!

So that brings us to CF Farms - A space we’ve created to give back, give thanks and that keeps us humble.

Cannabis isn’t just a plant; It’s a life style; Gras roots, bare foot and intentional.

WELCOME to the new hippy culture - Regenerative practices, closed loop systems, giving back more than we take and creating enough for all.


regenerative Cannabis Education - ongoing

Canna Events - TBA

Community Gardens - Ongoing

Check out the Events + Season Offerings page for details!